Domain Names

Brand Correctly from the Start

south africa domains names cozaDomain Name Value: When branding your business online, be it an established business or a new business there are a few key areas that need to be looked at that differ from traditional branding methods.  These include domain names selection, defensive domain registrations, use of your brand by customers, social engagement and ease and availability of information.

What would you be prepared to pay for some front and centre prime shopfront real estate that offers instant recognition in a sea of online shops? This is the value of a good domain name.

Domain names: You want to select a domain name that is easy to remember, easy to type, not prone to typographical errors, short, descriptive of your products or services but most of all EASY TO REMEMBER. See some of our ready made brands >>

A domain name like “” or “” are not only easy to remember but encompass the product/service that the companies represent and above all represent an authoritative position on the web which places the companies in an enviable position of having credibility right from the outset and making your brand synonymous with your products/s.

The choice of domain names often requires a shortened version of the name in the form of an acronym and the defensive registration of any possible typographical errors that could cause traffic leakage. Let us assume that your company is in the gifting business and is called Exquisite Corporate Gifting. Your logo would probably have the E, C, and G elements as prominent elements which would make a lot easier to remember than or This is not to say that you should only buy, register both of the others as well as , and any other product names that you sell or promote like,,,,,, and as many others as you can. Each and every one of these domains will firstly provide you with type in traffic and prevent competitors from using these domain names.

There is a very good reason that domain names that are short, easy to remember and are product domain names command such high prices, their value is in the natural traffic. For an idea of the value of good, short, easy to remember and descriptive domain names, take a look at some of the reported domain name sales in recent years.

Highest reported domain sales ( R4.33 million)

Year to date sales charts (all reported domain sales)

Current Week reported Domain Sales

Year to date reported sales

2011 reported sales ( made the top 100 at $17500)

2012 reported sales ( made the top 100 all domain sales list at $70 000)

2013 reported sales top 100

2014 reported sales top 100

2015 reported sales top 100

2016 Year to date reported sales

20 highest reported Domain name Sales sine 2003

There were many more domain name sales in the $20 000 to $60 000 range, including and which have not been featured due to NDA’s.

It is no coincidence that domain name sales achieved are at the levels shown in these reports. The right domain name, coupled with the right development produce massive exposure and profits.

Customer engagement: Customers need information and they need it now! Your website needs to make as much of the necessary information available to them to make a decision to request a quote, buy online or request further information. There is no better sales lead than an unsolicited request for information or a customer that is able to make a buying decision without having to contact you.

If your customers are able to find the information they need online it shows that you have been listening to your customers, spending time on your website to make the browsing and information gathering experience easy and best of all instills a feeling of trust and gratitude in those who do request that you interact with them, be it on a sales basis or an informational basis.

At Lead Generators we are focused on generating leads for customers through our extensive and varied portfolio of descriptive and shortened domain names, offering our customers a no risk, no obligation source of new sales leads through partnerships or joint ventures. Read more about our Lead generation programs.